The founders of Kabuki play are "Izumo no Okuni (=Okuni from the country of Izumo)" and "Nagoya Yamasaburo (=Yamasaburo of Nagoya Town).

The figure in the photo shows a imaginary costume of Okuni.

Okuni was a shrine maiden of Izumo Taisha (=Izumo Shrine).

She had visited Kyoto, the capital city of Japan, after going through countries for collection donation to repair the shrine.

This is her style of costume at that time and she had danced in this style during the trip.

Her hair was cut in the style of "kaburo (= bald head).

She is covered with the bamboo hat, lacquered in black color.

She wears a red "muna-himo (=chest string)",a white "chihaya" jacket with "kotsuyu" and a red "kiri-bakama" trousers.

She wears a set of "yoraku" ornament made of of gold and copper on the waist.

She also wears "juzu" rosary (= portable bell to neck, and she has a "shumoku" stick in the right hand."