Traditionally, pure white, the color of purity, has been respected for the bridal costume.

In the Heian era, under an "omote-gi" (=front clothes) of light red-purple, an "uchiki" garment of the white of eight sheets was worn in piles.

In the Muromachi era, the style of a wedding ceremony was settled, and wearinga a white "uchikake" suit and a white "kosode", a kimono with short sleeves, was determined.

The dress in the photo is the dress called "Shiromuku (= pure white dress )".

This style has been inherited for a long time to the present time.

In order to make the garment of "ultimate white", the cloth of light color called "taihaku (=bold white)" which was mixed with light-blue color, was used.

In addition, the lining cloth of "momi (=red silk)", which means happiness iwas attached to the "uchikake" coat.

In the Edo era, as the bridal costume of a high-class samurai or an upstream people, this "Shiromuku" dress was used.

The main items of the costume in the photo are a "neri-bohshi" cap, a suit of white "uchikake" coat and a white "aida-gi" garment (="kosode" kimono).