It is called "bugaku" (=dance and music) to dance by accompaniment of imperial court music.

It began to be performed when Mimashi of Kudara introduced it to Japan in the government time of Empress Suiko (554-628).

It descended from Tang, Rinyu, India, and Koryo, and can be now performed in the ceremony of the Imperial Court or Buddhist temples.

"Ryo-oh" is the perfromance with typical unclockwise dance.

And it is also called "Raryo-oh" or " Ranryo-oh.

" The dancer wears a valiant mask of gold brocade, "menbo (=cap with mask)," "ketteki no ho," "ryoto," " kintai (=gold belt), "sashinuki (=divided skirt)," and "shikai" (=shoes). [ ]

He also has "bachi (=stick for a drum)" in his hand.